Eric Odita, has committed the last several years to investigating and learning about marijuana and its more versatile counterpart, liquid marijuana. He is teaching people just like you how to integrate this wonderful liquid into your life for better health and better living!
Plus, once you gain an understanding of how this beneficial drug can improve your life and the new innovative techniques developed for use, you will have no problem or inhibition about enjoying and benefiting from marijuana on a daily basis.
Now let me tell you what this book is not. This book is not about the medical facts of marijuana and how the benefits and alternative uses have been suppressed by those that gain from its illegality. Nor is this book about all the research that has been published and reviewed in various medical journals and written about by my honored doctors and medical professionals. These are all very important topics and some professionals will be quoted in this book. However, I will leave the medical research and lab analysis to the medical experts. This book is about liquid marijuana and how to integrate it into our everyday lives. Also, how a new outlook on the drug will provide a safer and better alternative to our countries most commonly used and unscrutinized drug, ALCOHOL.
“Never let formal education get in the way of your learning.” - Mark Twain (1835-1910)
√ “Breaking the cycle of Drugs, crime, and prison” by Jenne Perlstein (One of the many inspirations of this book!)
√ "A Conversation with Paul Gootenberg", Author of Andean Cocaine: The Making of a Global Drug with University of North Carolina Press (This author provides a unique and insightful look at the problem with how drugs are looked at in our society)
Now, why are we giving you these bonuses? Simple: Eric’s vision is to give everyone the information they need to eliminate the misconceptions and falsehoods about liquid marijuana and to help create a life filled with abundance and joy…just like his…because he truly believes that “in the giving IS the receiving”...
So Order Your Copy of “Unwind with a Glass of Smoke” right now to receive these FREE gifts…